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The Dumb Bicameral Mind, Primitive Consciousness. By Nyron Medina


There is a great movement in the intellectual and policy making organizations affiliated with the U.N. and other groups to re - educate the Western world to prepare it for the New World Order. Many theories of education, psychology, and human interactions have been invented and are presently being implemented to create change in the human consciousness.
Children, youth and even adults have been targeted. In order to achieve their goal, these social planners have embarked upon a crusade of separating humanity from the psychological, social, economic and political laws of societal preservation, that they might achieve dominion over millions, and that their domination might not be successfully challenged.
These natural laws that God has set up to bind man to Himself, by ensuring the opportunity of man’s conversion, are rapidly being dismantled in society. This study is an exposure of one such attempt in the realm of psychology.
Though it may be a bit difficult for some to understand, the concepts of this study will finally yield to your mind as you persist. You must come to understand the dangerous theories that leads to the dumbing of us down, you must take stock of what is being taught to your children in the schools, the television, and in society at large. Moreso you must do something to teach people the word of God which is their only protection. May God help you in this important study, in Jesus holy name. Amen.
There is a plot to “kill” God all over the world. Here is an example of practical ways to “kill” God (god).
a. “The point of this essay is to provide my point of view on the various methods that can be employed to wean away the monotheistic institutions, their influences and their followers.” Vexen Crabtree, How to Kill God, p. 1. (This man is a Satanist).
b. Here are tools that can be used to “kill” God (god).
“Theology, metaphysics and philosophy (phenomenology, existentialism, subjectivism) are the logical tools that we can use to ridicule, expose and undermine typical religious trains of thought.” Ibid, p. 4.

c. Education at the earliest level in school is necessary for undermining the person’s understanding to prevent belief in God (or even religion).
“Challenge the default means to stop “believers” before they start. Do not let them assume the religion of their parents just because they never think about the issues. 
Let them know, kindly, that they have a choice and flood them with a bit of philosophy and theology to back up your skepticism. Sometimes this is enough to inspire their rebellious spark and allow them to transfer to atheism.” Ibid, p. 6.

d. Observe the extent of blasphemy some will go to “kill” God (god).
“Inform people of the immorality of revealed religion. Let people know that you think telling children that
they are inherently sinful and must repent is a bad thing. Put the bias on the side of the atheist.” Ibid, p.6 .

2. But what does it mean to “kill” God (god)? We are clearly told how this works.
“Killing a god requires taking its support base … It is about time that god retook his position next to gaia as interesting concepts rather that god’s current position as a habitually worshipped fear-hate-guilt object.” Ibid, p. 11.
We know from the Bible that Jesus is God. 
John 20:28,29; 1 John 5:20; Revelation 1:11,13,17,18.

We also know that Jesus is the only revelation of God. John 1:18; Matthew 11:27; Isaiah 43: 11,12.
Scriptures tell us that in the last days plots will be hatched to destroy the influence of God from humanity. Concerted efforts will be made to sever the connection between YHWH and humanity. Psalms 2:1– 3.
a. The “cords” to be severed are principles of psychological, religious, political, economic and social uprightness.
The real enemy of man and of Christianity is Pantheism. We are told:
“Pantheism cannot triumph unless the stumbling-block of the cross be taken out of the way .” Abraham Kuyper, Pantheism's Destruction of Boundaries, Part 2., p. 4.
7. We are told that Pantheism destroys all known boun- daries, so any chaos can reign.
“… pantheism in this wise creates for it self the possibility of escape from the dilemma of distinctions which really exist …” Abraham Kuyper, Pantheism’s Destruction of Boundaries Part 1, p. 5.
“The boundaries have been destroyed; why then longer render homage to him who is high and declare that who are low politically under age? Are not rich and poor an antithesis, which, since all boundaries have been effaced, offensively your much-lauded harmony?” Ibid, Part 2, p. 6.
“These people, armed by you [the rich and powerful], before the sun has set upon that day of vengeance shall with a single stroke dispel your enchanting power, and while crushing you to the earth, proclaim it loud far that boundaries are no more, that all has become evolution, and that they inaugurate a movement which could not fail in your pantheistic process!” Ibid, p. 6.
We are warned of doctrines of devils, such doctrines are not only religious, but political, social, psychological, etc., they are also called vain philosophy that spoils humanity. 1 Timothy 4:1; Colossians 2:8; 1 Timothy 6:20,21.
9. We are looking at the doctrine of the “bicameral man.”
We are told that he is a man with operative intelligence in every way, but without consciousness.

“Now simply subtract that consciousness and you have what a bicameral man would be like. The world would happen to him and his action would be an inextricable part of that happening with no consciousness whatever ... He would have to wait for his bicameral voice which with the stored-up admonitory wisdom of his life would tell him non consciously what to do.” Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, p. 85.
10. Such a man that can act intelligently without consciousness (and the knowledge it contains) is the exact state that Illuminist one-world agents are seeking to bring the majority of the earth’s population into.

“While a growing number of students and teachers are knifed, shot, raped, beaten, and robbed in the schools, the biggest concern of educators is not safety but the implementation of programs such as “values clarification” and “value neutral thinking.” The three Rs have been replaced by the three S’s — “sensitivity,” “self-esteem,” and “safe sex.” As a result, more than 2.5 million young people graduate from the public schools of this nation as functional illiterates each year. Many cannot read above a third - grade level; they cannot do simple mathematics, they cannot keep a checkbook; and in some cases they cannot even use public telephone without assistance. One study reports that as many as 25 million adults read so poorly they cannot understand the warning label on a bottle of poison. And many cannot even fill out an employment application without someone to read it to them.” Jim Nelson Black, When Nations Die, pp. 76-77.
The bicameral man must operate intelligently in society but in a “dream state (?)” or without consciousness. Education has been going on in schools to achieve this.
“… it is because public educators, in order to accomplish their social programs, have turned away from the task of teaching young people the specific information that used to be considered essential knowledge.” Ibid, pp. 77-78.
“All across North America, liberal educators and schools boards are using such inflammatory literature to support their war against historic American values and authentic content-based education. In many places experimental programs based on the untested theories of so–called experts are being implemented without parental consent or community approval. One such example passes under the innocuous name of “Required Student Learning Outcomes” (SLO). But it is simply another form of value-neutral, outcome-based education, which holds it doesn’t matter whether or not children learn any specific facts, so long as they feel good about themselves and develop ‘tolerance for diversity’.” Ibid, p. 83.
The concept of a “bicameral mind” is a dangerous teaching, because the modern day social engineers can use it to destroy human moral and progressive intelligence. Of the bicameral mind we are told that it is operable with intelligent functions but without consciousness.
“In distinction to our own subjective conscious minds, we can call the mentality of the Myceneans a bicameral mind. Volition, planning, initiative is organized with no consciousness whatever and then ‘told ’ to the individual in his familiar language, sometimes with the visual of a familiar friend or authority figure or ‘god’, or sometimes as a voice alone. The individual obeyed these hallucinated voices because he could not ‘see’ what to do by himself.” Julian Jaynes, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, p. 75.
We are told what is consciousness. It is a reflection of an account or analogy of history or bodily acts and other events. This as a focus is consciousness. It is a present awareness of events transpired or transpiring.
“Conscious mind is a spatial analog of the world and mental acts are analogs of bodily acts. Consciousness operates only on objectively observable things. Or, to say it another way with echoes of John Locke, there is nothing in consciousness that is not an analog of something that was in behavior first … consciousness [is] a metaphor-generated model of the world … consciousness is this invention of an analog world on the basis of language, paralleling the behavioral world even as the world of Mathematic parallels the world of quantities of things …” Ibid, p. 66.
We are told that we can do without this consciousness in much of the functions of human existence. This concept opens the way for an education that bypasses, or nullifies human consciousness, subjecting humanity to absolutist social control by Illuminist social planners. Again we are told what is this consciousness.
“Consciousness is constantly fitting things into a story, putting a before and an after around any event. The basic connotative definition of consciousness is thus an analog ‘I’ narratizing in a functional mind-space.” Ibid, p. 450.
We are told erroneously that consciousness is a product of evolution, this presupposes that the so-called evolutionary man operated at time (probably in his Australopithecine stage), without consciousness, encouraging social planners to be zealous to educate man down to the stage of the bicameral mind which is the psyche of Australopithecus.
“Consciousness, then, emerges as something genuinely new at a critical stage of evolutionary advance … consciousness emerged in evolution …” Ibid, pp. 12,13.
We are also dangerously told that consciousness may also be caused by deceit.
“Deceit may also be a cause of consciousness.” Ibid, 
p. 219.

17. Consciousness is also dangerously explained as not 

“But consciousness is not necessary. Instances can be shown in which a person has no consciousness whatever of either the goal he is seeking or the solution he is finding to achieve that goal.” Ibid, p. 34.
One can be trained without the use of consciousness so we can expect subliminal education by social planners.
“Every day, in all our conversations, we are constantly training and being trained by each other in this manner, and yet we are never conscious of it.” Ibid, p. 35.
We are told that consciousness is not necessary for concepts.
“A further major confusion about consciousness is the belief that it is specifically and uniquely the place where concepts are formed … Indeed what Muller should have said was, no one has ever been conscious of a tree. For consciousness, indeed, not only is not the repository of concepts; it does not usually work with them at all!” Ibid, pp. 30,31.
20. We can learn with little consciousness, because con- sciousness is not necessary to learning.
“A third important misconception of consciousness is that it is the basis for learning … Again, consciousness actually reduces our learning abilities of this type, let alone not being necessary for them. As we saw earlier in the performance of skills, consciousness is indeed like a helpless spectator , having little to do … Let learning go on without your being too conscious of it, and it is all done more smoothly and efficiently … Thus consciousness is not a necessary part of the learning process, and this is true whether it be the learning of signals skills, or solutions.” Ibid, pp. 31,33,36.
the performance of skills, conscious is indeed like a helpless spectator, having little to do … Let learning go on without your being too conscious of it, and it is all done more smoothly and efficiently … Thus consciousness is not a necessary part of the learning process, and this is true whether it be the learning of signals, skills, or solutions.” Ibid, pp. 31,33,36.
21. What about thinking? Surely consciousness must at least be necessary for thinking. But we are even told that it is not.
“As we go from simple to more complicated aspects of mentality, we enter vaguer and vaguer territory, where the terms we use become more difficult to travel with. Thinking is certainly one of these. And to say that consciousness is not necessary for thinking makes us immediately bristle with protest. Surely thinking is the very heart and bone of consciousness … And now the actual judging of which is heavier. Where is that? Lo! The very act judgment that one object is heavier than the other is not conscious. It is somehow just given to you by your nervous system. If we call that process of judgment thinking, we are finding that such thinking is not conscious at all … Thinking, then, is not conscious. Rather, it is an automatic process following a struction and the materials on which the struction is to operate … So we arrive at the position that the actual process of thinking, so usually thought to be the very life of consciousness, is not conscious at all and that only its preparation, its materials, and its end results are consciously perceived.” Ibid, pp. 36,37,39,41.
Is consciousness necessary for reasoning? Shocking, we are told no. This is a dangerous teaching that plays into the hands of social planners for their New World Order.
“The long tradition of man as the rational animal, the tradition that enthroned him as Homo sapiens, rests in all its pontifical generality on the gracile assumption that consciousness is the seat of reason … Logic is the science of the justification of conclusions we have reached by natural reasoning. My point here is that, for such natural reasoning to occur, consciousness is not necessary. The very reason we need logic at all is because most reasoning is not conscious at all … Choosing paths, words, notes, motions, the perceptual corrections in size and color constancies - all are primitive kinds of reasoning that go on without any prod, nudge, or even glance of consciousness. Even the more standard type of reasoning can occur without consciousness … But more complex reasoning without consciousness is continually going on. Our minds work much faster that consciousness can keep up with. We commonly make general assertions based on our past experiences in an automatic way, and only as an after thought are we sometimes able to retrieve any of the past experiences on which an assertion is based.” Ibid, pp. 41,42.
Most people hold that consciousness is located in the mind in the brain, but we are told that consciousness is located nowhere. Read these shocking statements.
“Where does consciousness take place? Everyone, or almost everyone, immediately replies, in my head. This is because when we introspect, we seem to look inward on an inner space somewhere behind our eyes. But what on earth do we mean by ‘look’? We even close our eyes sometimes to introspect even more clearly … We not only locate this space of consciousness inside our own heads. We also assume it is there in others … We are always assuming a space behind our companion’s eyes into which we are talking, similar to the space we imagine inside our own heads where we are talking from. And this is the very heartbeat of the matter. For we know perfectly well that there is no such space in anyone’s head at all! There is nothing inside my head or yours except physiological tissue of one sort or another. And the fact that it is predominantly neurological tissue is irrelevant …For most of us, however, the habit of locating consciousness in the head is so ingrained that it is difficult to think otherwise. But, actually, you could, as you remain where you are, just as well locate your consciousness around the corner in the next room against the wall near the floor, and do your thinking there as well as in your head. Not really just as well … The cases are different of course, since bicycle riding has a definite geographical location, while consciousness does not. In reality, consciousness has no location whatever except as we imagine it has.” Ibid, pp. 44,45 - 46.
Behind all these theories of consciousness is a pantheistic concept that consciousness survives even after death, since it can operate outside of the body. This survival outside of the body is believed by Mr. Jaynes, showing that all his destructive theories of consciousness used by social planners to further their communistic New World Order is based upon pantheism.
“That there is no phenomenal necessity in locating consciousness in the brain is further reinforced by various abnormal instances in which consciousness seems to be outside the body. A friend who received a left frontal brain injury in the war regained consciousness in the corner of the ceiling of a hospital ward looking down euphorically at himself on the cot swathed in bandages. Those who have taken lysergic acid diethylamide commonly report similar out-of-the-body or exosomatic experiences, as they are called. Such occurrences do not demonstrated anything metaphysical whatever; simply that locating consciousness can be an arbitrary matter.” Ibid, p. 46.
Here is a summary of the irrelevance of conscience according to this dangerous teaching.
“We have been brought to the conclusion that consciousness is not what we generally think it is. It is not to be confused with reactivity. It is not involved in hosts of perceptual phenomena. It is not involved in the performance and skills and often hinders their execution. It need not be involved in speaking, writing, listening, or reading. It does not copy down experience, as most people think. Consciousness is not at all involved in signal 
learning, and need not be involved in the learning of skills or solution, which can go on without any consciousness whatever. It is not necessary for making judgments or in simple thinking. It is not the seat of reason, and indeed some of the most difficult instances of creative reasoning go on without any attending consciousness. And it has no location except an imaginary one!” Ibid, pp. 46 – 47.

The concept of the bicameral mind that can have much intelligent functions akin to humans without consciousness, is so dangerous that this mind can be a form of social control in the hands of the social planners.
“The bicameral mind is a form of social control and it is that form of social control which allowed mankind to move from small hunter-gatherer groups of large agricultural communities.” Ibid, p. 126.
If modern man is carried to a bicameral mind, with his heightened consciousness, he would have to be socially and psychologically engineered into a form of schizophrenia that he can snap into bicameralism at the will of the social controllers. Thus we are told that schizophrenic programming is good for social survival in a sense.
“Another advantage of schizophrenia, perhaps evolutionary, is tirelessness … A further thing that schizophrenics do ‘better’ than the rest of us — although it certainly is no advantage in our abstractly complicated world — is simple sensory perception. They are more alert to visual stimuli, as might be expected if we think of them as not having to strain such stimuli through a buffer of consciousness … they seem to have a more immediate and absolute in involvement with their physical environment, a greater in-the world-ness.” Ibid, pp. 426,427.
The terrible point about the teaching of a bicameral
mind, is that it affords the social planners the opportunity to see a race of men and a civilization existing on a bicameral level, such as we can now see where they are 
leading us with modern education.

“Here it is only necessary to conclude that consciousness does not make all that difference to a lot of our activities. If our reasoning have been correct, it is perfectly possible that there could have existed a race of men who spoke, judged, reasoned, solved problems, indeed did most of the things that we do, but who were not conscious at all … a civilization without consciousness is possible …” Ibid, p.47.
But is there in reality a conspiracy of dumbing down the mind of man into a bicameral mentality? Yes, there is, as can be clearly seen.
“The dictionary defines intuition as quick perception of truth without conscious attention or reasoning, Ferguson explains. Training the intuition to fit the new paradigm is simple. Make symbols and their evolving and politically correct meanings more fun and familiar than the home taught words, values, and meanings. To speed the process, children would be surrounded by symbols that send the right message and affirm the new way of thinking.” Berit Kjos, Edutainment How Teletubbies Teach toddlers, p. 6.
30. Globalist social planners clearly said:
“The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organization itself in society - - in short, new ways of living.” (Our Creative Diversity, UNESCO), quoted in Ibid, p. 1.
One by one the global social planners reveal that there is in operation a plan to educate the masses into a new particular manageable state of mind.
“Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations that demand global action now. Education is a long-term solution … The majority of our youth still hold the same values as their parents and, if we don’t re - socialize, our system will decay.” John Goodlad in his preface to Schooling for a Global Age, quoted in Ibid, p. 2.
We are even told of the conspirational nature of such efforts at social control.
“The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will not even know that it is about to happen.” Raymond Houghton quoted in Ibid, p. 9.
The children’s show Teletubbies is one such example of educating the youth down into a bicameral mindset.
“America’s PBS and its British partner, BBC, fit right into the international program for pre-school education. Their words as well as their program show their desire to introduce small children to new images and “thinking skills so that [they] will be ready for more formal training.” In the context of the new education outcome, that means opening minds to global beliefs and values. The Teletubby world is their best attempt to touch pre - schoolers with the seeds of the new ideology.” Ibid, p.3.

Thus Teletubby’s creator Anne Wood said:
“I believe television and video are the most underestimated force for good in educating our children in the technological age in which we live. It is important to develop children’s thinking skills.” Quoted in Ibid, p.1.
Scriptwriter for Teletubbies said:
“ ‘… children are the same the world over,’ says script writer Andy Davenport. ‘They grow they learn language, they learn to talk, to think the same, wherever they grow up.’ ” Quoted in Ibid, p. 2 .
Jaynes’ dangerous attack on consciousness needs to be answered because of the following points:
a. Consciousness is experience.
b. To de-emphasize consciousness is to narrow down experience, at which case a person is made dependant upon those that has experience.
c. Little or no experience decreases one’s ability to cope with situations of deprivation, rendering him subjected to those who eliminate the deprivations.
d. Education that strengthens and broadens consciousness frees man from being victims, empowers him to liberate himself from oppression, and instills in him a love of freedom. Superstition is extinguished, morality strengthened.
37. Consciousness can be organized into various levels. What is called bicameralism is in fact different levels of consciousness. The following are the various levels of human consciousness:

i. Level 1
ii. Level 2
iii. Level 3

We know that consciousness is an activity of the brain because we feel the impressions of thoughts in the brain when we think, which reflects on history and analyze it. The following are explanations on the various levels of consciousness.
This phase is used to explain the fullest awareness we have of events and reality. When one is concentrating on a task that is life-threatening, that takes the fullest conscious attention or awareness, this experience of the brain is called the conscious mind.

This is the same human mind, but its consciousness operates at different levels, all below the level of the fullest awareness or the conscious mind. They are:
This is a consciousness that is the next one below the conscious mind. In this level we hear, feel, taste and touch, and smell without conscious effort, and while our conscious mind is fully in operation. Thinking can be done at this level also; it is what we characterize as hearing things in the back ground while our conscious mind is engaged in its full function. This is lesser form of awareness.

This is a consciousness that is next below level one. In this level, we do things and pick up information without thought or reflection. Thinking is not done in this level, but it is the level that Mr. Jaynes ignorantly calls the bicameral mind. This level can be described as a man walking down a road to shop without consciously or subconsciously (level one) thinking about the road on which he is going because of familiarity with the road. His conscious mind will be in operation and his subconscious mind, level one, but the consciousness of the road upon which he is walking is so vague, or almost non-existent, that any sudden consciousness of the road in his conscious mind, immediately blanks it out of level two as it now occupies the full awareness or that of level one of the subconscious mind. The awareness of the level two is like a faint shadow.

This is a consciousness that exists as the dreaming state. It only functions in dreams when the conscious mind, and level one and two of the subconscious mind is shut down in sleep. However, in the rememberance of dreams, the subconscious mind plays an important role in level one, because it is the level of consciousness in which the dream level (level three) breaks through to help us remember our dreams and carry it to the conscious mind that we may talk about the dream. Sleep walking and talking also comes from this third level.

This is where all our past experiences and the sum total of all has ever happened to us is stored. It is all information recorded in our brain cells. There is no consciousness in this level, however, intelligent function constantly comes from it. In it we have causative functions such as our heart beating, our lungs breathing etc. It causes not only our bodies to operate fully, but constantly co-relate all the stored knowledge we have in the memory bank, and constantly comes up with new positions of knowledge that filter out to level one of the subconscious mind and consequently to our conscious mind under different circumstances. The principles of existence by which all things, including man, survives, are stored by the Spirit in the unconscious mind.
39. In this scripture, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind—level one, is seen. Job 31:26 - 28.
This is the subconscious mind level three, the dream consciousness. Job 33:15 - 18.
This is knowledge in the unconscious mind. Proverbs 20:5.
God puts the preservation principles of Origignosis in the unconscious mind, He also speaks to the conscious mind. Job 38:36.
Man has an experience which is his consciousness, and it is this that God adds knowledge to. Job 32:8.
Man has consciousness always as an awareness of himself, but through the Spirit of God, God expands man’s moral or spiritual consciousness. 1 Corinthians 2:11 - 16.
The man must have knowledge, to have consciousness, if he doesn’t, it is not good. Proverbs 19:2.
46. To keep or retain in the heart knowledge, is to be conscious of the truth, thus consciousness is necessary. Proverbs 4:4, 5.
The instruction of God is Life which is an experience (of Love), this is consciousness. Proverbs 4:13, 20 - 23.
48. Again the wisdom of God is Life, an experience (of Love), this is consciousness, is necessary to serve God . Proverbs 3:13 - 22.


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