The name of our church is THUSIA, a Greek word meaning "Sacrifice". In this word is
embodied an identification of the nature of our aspirations. We believe that there are no limits to the usefulness of one who in putting self aside, becomes entirely devoted to God and makes way for the working of the Holy Spirit. Because of this we work persistently by prayer, bible study and evangelistic services to totally deny the perverted emotions of self for the sake of loving God and our fellowmen.
We believe that we have a mandate from God. At such a time as ours, when great grand issues are at stake, when the events are covertly but rapidly fulfilling all around us, there is no time for Laodicean lethargy, for carnal immobility or for waiting for ecclesiastical directives, for the time has come when we "As a people we must prepare the way of the Lord under the overruling guidance of the Holy Spirit..." 9T 96. We must give the gospel in its purity.
Our church is made up of Adventists from many different churches. No one man has put us together. We did not become united under our own initiative or plans. It was a matter of those of like beliefs coming together for the pleasure of the joy of the word and work of God. Ellen G.
White puts it this way…
“Like will attract like. Those who are drinking from the same fountain of blessing will draw nearer together. Truth dwelling in the hearts of believers will lead to blessed and happy assimilation... the moral magnet of holiness and truth will attract together the pure metal…” 5T 100, 101.
And just as it was God that put us together, so we depend on God by Faith and prayer to
determine the nature of the work we should do at this time.
Our church does not despise organization for this is necessary, but this organization must not stem from courses which are man's academic educational training, neither must it be made to run the work in place of the Holy Spirit, for it is a sin for man to presume to run and determine that which God alone by His omniscience can do. We regularly hold street meetings, visit the hospital and hold bible studies, all this under the guide and supervision of the Spirit.
It is not the policy of Thusia to allow clergical authorities to determine its nature and work, so we hold unified counseling of the church as a prime determinator as the voice of the Spirit in ourmidst, for in the multitude of counsel there is safety. The Bible and Spirit of Prophecy and Testimonies of The Spirit is the source of the voice of the Spirit. It must be remembered that God has not given the work of one man or a few men to control the work in all the field, Thusia stands autonomous from such control, yet not autonomous from all counsels and suggestions. The Testimonies of the Spirit puts it this way…
“Special instruction has been given me for God's people, for perilous times are upon us. In
the world, destruction and violence are increasing. In the church man power is gaining the ascendancy; those who have been chosen to occupy positions of trust think it their
prerogative to rule. Men who the Lord calls to important positions in His work are to
cultivate a humble dependence upon Him. They are not to seek to embrace too much
authority; for God has not called them to a work of ruling, but to plan and counsel with their
fellow laborers. Every worker alike is to hold himself amenable to requirements and
instructions of God... Any human being who spreads himself out to large proportions and
who seeks to have control of his fellows, proves himself to be a dangerous man to be
entrusted with religious responsibilities.” 9T 270.
The teachings of our church are the messages relevant for our time. These are the Three Angels Messages of Revelation Chapter 14 and the message of the angel of Revelation Chapter 18:1. At present there are incidents transpiring in Heaven and on the earth that must be made known to the entire world in such a way as to prepare many to face them. These incidents are identified in the messages of the three angels and that of the fourth angel. Whether it is the message of Righteousness by Faith (as brought by Waggoner and Jones in 1888) or the second coming of Christ, or the Sabbath, or the Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary, or the fall of Babylon, or the Mark of the Beast, or the preaching of the Kingdom of God or of Christ and Him crucified, all are embodied in the Present Truth for this time, thus all are the everlasting gospelThis is what we teach and preach. This is our unified concept of truth. In situations like these
there are always questions as to whether such churches are the result of disaffection with the church authorities or is a result of enmity with the church, but this cannot be ascertained with our church, for such a spirit creates alienation and the eventual development of false doctrines.
Our attitude to the church is one of realizing that a revival and reformation is the chief thing needed among us, and to seek this should be our first work, thus we shall lift up our voice in gentle, yet startling reproof, warning, entreaty, counseling and instructions, this is not alienation or disaffection, rather it is work for true unity.
The future aspirations of Thusia is the ushering of the second coming of Christ. If clergy is waiting on laity and laity is waiting on clergy and if none would humble themselves, seek purity of heart, lay aside man's academic education and gimmickry, and allow the Spirit to guide them into living Grace to preach the last gospel, then let us, Thusia alone (and the Spirit) do it, or let other like churches do it, and we state frankly, that we shall do as much as we can to spread this church or to encourage other similar churches, for it is only by the overruling of God shall the gospel be preached into all the world as a witness unto all nations, then the end shall come.
And, in conclusion, we give an advice to similar churches or to those who would like to form
similar churches. If you have sufficient verifiable convictions to form a church, or as to what line of work you should follow, then let it be so. Remember Christ is our Leader and if we follow His graces we shall surely achieve victory. May the Lord bless you.
Nyron Medina
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