23. The subjectivity of Justification is seen in the fact that it is the break with the old, past
experience and the entrance of a new holy experience. The following text shows this fact. 1 Sam. 10:6, 9.
i. The Spirit of the lord come upon (in) by the gift of the blessing of Abraham, which is
the Spirit in the heart, this is a break from the old man, to the new (or another) man.
(1 Sam. 10:6; Gal. 3:7-9,14; Gal. 4:6; Rom. 6:6)
ii. The break from the old heart of stone to another heart of flesh that has a new
experience through the gift of the Spirit, occurs through the water of the word by
which we are justified. (1 Sam. 10:9; Eze. 36:25-27; Eph. 5:26; Isa. 53:11).
24. The subjectivity of Justification is seen in the forgiveness by non-imputation of the passive-past sins or ideals of the lying carnal mind, purifying the experience of the mind (as the break with the past), and the making a man righteous through being upright or straight in
the heart (which is the entrance of the new state). Paul quotes this calling it Justification.
(Ps. 32:1, 2, 5, 11; Rom. 4:6, 7).
25. The subjectivity of Justification, in that it is a break with the iniquity of the heart by washing of Justification and the entrance of a cleansing or purification in the heart with a new spirit or experience, is clearly seen. Ps. 51:2, 6,7,10.
i. When we are washed from sin (the past) by the washing of Justification, we are
made pure, clean or whiter than snow (the new), showing Justification to be
Subjective. (Ps. 51:2, 7; 1 Cor. 6:11; Tit. 3:5-7).
ii. Truth in the heart or inward parts (the new), takes the place of error (the old) by the
knowledge of Christ through which He justifies us. (Ps. 51:6; Isa. 53:11).
iii. We are created a new creation (the new) so that old things are passed away (the
old), by the word of God the knowledge of Christ which Justifies us. (Ps. 51:10; Heb.
11:3; Isa. 53:11; 2 Cor. 5:17).
A new spirit is renewed in us (the new), against the old spirit or experience (the old),
by the water of the word of God; which is the justifying knowledge of Christ. (Ps.
51:10; Eze. 36:25-27; Eph. 5:26; Isa. 53:11).
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