What are the false teachings of the General Conference Seventh Day Adventist church that are related to their rejection of the 1888 message of Righteousness by faith- the third angel message
What are the false teachings of the General Conference Seventh Day Adventist church that are related to their rejection of the 1888 message of Righteousness by faith- the third angel message. What are the false teachings that causes Christ to be outside their heart because the doctrine of Christ is rejected. Remember he that abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God - 2John9, the character of Christ (the Truth, the Way and the Life) is had through the doctrines of Christ that you may dwell in God who is Love and is Righteousness.
(1) the belief that the man of Rom.7 is a converted man (2) that justification is not a making of the person righteous (3) That all men have a so called sinful nature even when converted (4) that Christ somehow had a similar flesh to ours but not with the so called sinful nature (5) That obtaining sinfreeness instead of being obtained as a gift from God leaving the person holy when one is forgiven, is something obtained in parts so that the person has a little less sin in them at a time (6) That in the investigative judgement Christ and Christ acts and works is judged instead of the person's works. (7) That all men's righteousness are as filthy rags even them that are converted (8) One could never be sinfree until they receive a new body when Christ comes. (9) That justification is God putting righteousness in account in heaven and is not the putting of righteousness in the person [which is really salvation in sin.] (10) a so called sinful nature which include the flesh of man is what causes him to sin and not solely the values of his mind. (11) there is an old man and a new man in the converted fighting each other or a sinful nature and a divine nature contending with each other. (12) God work of forgiveness is not an internal work of God cleansing the person morally in their mind, making them whiter snow, but God merely pardoning or overlooking ones past record of sins.
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