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What is Sympathetic Functionalism? It is a concept that explains how all of creation functions. There is Macro-Sympathetic

Functionalism and Micro-Sympathetic Functionalism. The concept
of “sympathetic function” means that each part of any organism or every part thereof is dependently interconnected to the functioning of all other parts for their successful functioning and for the appropriate
functioning of the whole organism and for its survival and existence.
So that, if one part of the organism were to fail, this would lead to either the reduced functioning of the organism as a whole making it less capable of surviving, or it would often render incapable the functioning of other parts of the organism, causing these parts to die,
leading to the death of the whole organism. This means that the various parts of an organism are all necessary for its function, survival and existence, and this is even more applicable to one-celled micro-organisms or the multitudinous cells that make up any living organism.
This is Micro- Sympathetic Functionalism, and there is a relationship to the ecology as a whole which is called Macro-Sympathetic Functionalism. This is real proof against evolution.
For, if every living organism today evolved from one-celled ancestors, and if the so-called rate of evolution for complicated organisms or
parts of organisms needed more years to reach the high state of complexity than less complex parts or less complex organisms, the
results would be disastrous for the organism. Let us picture this scenario as an example. The nucleus of a cell which is by far more
complicated than the cell’s outer membrane would take longer to evolve than the membrane, so in the so-called chain of evolution, the cell would have evolved with a membrane, while at its earliest stages it
is devoid of a nucleus and other complicated parts (which may be just now beginning to evolve). But this would mean that there would be no DNA to control cellular activity and other life-sustaining functions, thus there would be an absence of sympathetic function between the parts of the cell rendering it incapable of living and thus even existing.
The only sensible and reasonable scientific account for the existence of
a cell and an organism would be that all of its parts must have come into existence at the same time in its complete forms with all of its
genetic information that it can function and survive, and each must have a contingent role of operation that its design is suited for
according to its inherent coded information. All of its parts must have suddenly come into existence with its life-sustaining co-operation with each other. Certainly, this is not evolution, but special creation. If we apply this same example to the so-called evolution of man what
shall we have? We shall have a half-man / half-ape, with no brains, eyes or liver, or even with no heart at certain stages in this so-called
path of evolution, since among others, these are extremely complicated organs, and would have taken longer to evolve than the simpler organs (if we can call them that). Just as one cannot think of such an evolutionary creature existing as part of an evolutionary chain, so it is that the very concept of evolution is absurd . Furthermore, these points substantiate what we are saying. “The origin of life from
nonlife through natural processes and its subsequent evolution of species depend on the right events occurring at the right time. Upon closer examination of the natural processes, the odds of life originating
by chance becomes infinitesimally small and improbable … The origin of life by natural processes would involve the following steps: 1.
Formation of simple building blocks such as proteins and nucleic acids; 2. Arrangements of these molecules into biologically important
compounds such as proteins and DNA; 3.

Assembly of these proteins into a metabolically active system, and
[organization] of the first completely independent, stable and self-replicating cell; 4. Initiation of drastic changes in the genetic material to produce completely different types and forms or life … Most of the
cell’s important functions are carried out by compounds called proteins which are a chain of amino acids (twenty different types) linked
together. The protein’s characteristics and functions are determined by the number and particular arrangement of amino acids. An appropriate analogy of a protein is a sentence, which derives its meaning from the
particular arrangement of letters and words … Proteins are functional because the amino acids [are] arranged in a specific sequence, not just a random arrangement of left handed amino acids … If only one amino
acid is changed … malfunction results … Hundreds of proteins are required for even the most basic functions of the simplest living
organisms … in effect it is a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate
molecular machinery, made up of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and
absolutely without parallel in the non-living world.” Carl Baugh, Why Do Men Believe Evolution Against All Odds?, pp. 60-63. “… The
cells have many different compartments in which different tasks are performed … A cell has specialized areas partitioned off for discrete tasks. These areas include the nucleus (where the DNA resides), the
Mitochondria (which produces the cell’s energy), the endoplasmic reticulum (which processes proteins), the lysosome (the cells garbage disposal unit), secretory vesicles (which store cargo before it must be
sent out of the cell), and the perosixome (which helps metabolize fats). Each compartment is sealed off from the rest of the cell by its own membrane … The membranes themselves can also be considered
separate compartments, because the cell places material into membranes that is not found elsewhere … There are more than twenty
different sections in a cell … A single flaw in the cell’s labyrinthine protein-transport pathway is fatal. Unless the entire system were
immediately in place, our ancestors would have suffered a similar fate.
Attempts at a gradual evolution of the protein transport system are a recipe for extinction. A typical cell contains about ten million million
atoms. Bio-chemists assert that all systems of the cell must be in place and functioning — for the cell to operate at all. Their interrelated and
interdependent components are illustrated.” Ibid, pp. 136-137. The
fact that each part of a cell has interrelated, sympathetic, life-sustaining function not only denies any possibility for evolution being true, but also causes us to say : “I will praise thee [YHWH]; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works …” Psalms 139:14.

Published by Thusia Seventh-day Adventist Church, May 2002.
Tel. 625-0446.


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