Error is a fatal threat to the salvation of souls. Thus take painstaking effort to know what is the truth and learn more of the truth. Paul wrote that it is the truth believed from the heart that makes one free of sin (Rom.6:17-18). When you take in an understanding of the Truth you are eating Christ (John 6:53,54,63) who is the Way the Truth and the Life. This is indeed how Christ saves His people from their sins (Matt.1:21). Christ explained that those that abide in Him through His word have Life (to be Spiritually minded is LIFE- Rom.8:6) in them because he dwelleth in them, and based on this He will raise them up in the last day.
P.S. To dwell in Christ/God through His word is to dwell in Love. So Christ or life within is an experience of Righteousness within. As it is written in 1John 4:16 - God is Love, and He that dwelleth in Love, dwelleth in God and God in him.
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