In the false pagan teaching of Christ died as a penal substitute the issue is not about bringing about repentance. In this this false teaching God wanted to put death on us because of our sin, and spared us because he sent Christ who is God to the earth, to put it on Christ instead. The issue is not bringing about repentance in the heart that the person may be forgiven. No, the issue in this false concept is not about receiving the character of Christ it's about God wanting a death payment. Sin lovers love this doctrinal lie.
The word atone used in 1 John 2:2 in the NIV is the Greek word halisterion. It is also used in Rom.3:25 and is translated propitiation in the KJV. However the word actually means mercy seat. The mercy seat is the place our High priest ministers to us by showing forth God's Righteousness or His Divine Nature and it's abhorrence of sin. Without the showing of this Righteousness a person would not have remorse or suffering for sin, that they may come to REPENTANCE. This is the purpose of Christ. I quote Acts 5:31 "31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins." This why the bible tells us without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins - Heb.9:22 . This shedding of blood is symbolic of that which has the life of Christ which is the Spiritual knowledge of God's Divine Nature. See John 6:53-54 & 63 where Christ says to drink His blood to have life in you and that the life is the words that he spoke and not His physical flesh which he said profited nothing.
So Christ as the knowledge of God - the Divine Nature (John 1:18 & John 14:9) was the atoning sacrifice or mercy seat sacrifice for our sins, in that the knowledge of God and His abhorence for sin given from Him brings about repentance in the person that God may forgive them
Hebrews 2:17-18 tells us of the purpose of the High Priest who is at the mercy seat, we are told because he had suffered being tempted he is able to help them that are tempted. Heb.4:15-16 tells us He was in all points tempted as we are, that when we come to the throne of grace - the mercy seat we will obtain help. That help, is help from temptation, as mentioned in Heb.2:15-16 before. Thus Christ's atoning work or priestly mercy seat work, is the work of giving of a sanctifying knowledge that causes a cessation of sin when forgiveness is obtained.
There are many other texts that prove these things all you have to do is study the bible with a clean heart willing to dwell in Sinfreeness and holiness. May God abundantly bless you as you yield your will to Him.
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