Sinful flesh is not sin nor does it has sin. (Note: the picture below demonstrates the false doctrine held in fallen Christianity while the diagram explains the truth)
Sinful flesh is not sin nor does it has sin. It is simply a flesh affected by sin and not one necessarily infected by sin. The flesh is only infected with sin when due to an absence of God in the mind idol values immediately develop and cause sinful thoughts that cause sinful desires to flow in the flesh and sinful actions to be carried out by the person's members. Sinful flesh as referred to in Romans 8:3 is different to St Augustine's idea of man having a sin nature, which is the philosophy of a sin-infected flesh being inherited from Adam. The sin nature doctrine is a concept of sin being part of human nature so that it could only be taken away when a person gets a new body. However the truth is the bible does not teach man has a sin nature. It speaks of sinful flesh which Jesus Himself had. And because he never was separated from the indwelling of God Jesus never sinned and always abided in sinfreeness. Remember sin always start in the mind (Matt.7:21) before it could flow in evil passions and emotions in the flesh (Rom.7:5,6). Thus for man to be Sinfree God must deal with his mind through the truths of Gospel which reveal the Righteousness of God or the Love of God, that when we believe; God then implants in our heart as our experience by His indwelling.
Sinful flesh is a flesh affected by sin, primarily due to infirmities in the flesh e.g. tiredness, hunger, sleepiness, weaken intellectual abilities, a flesh that can die, all these are due to sin but is not sin.
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