Someone said Abraham did not keep the ten commandments.
Gen.26:5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.
Abraham was counted Righteous based on the faith or revealed truth he believed -Gen.15:6, this counting or esteeming in the mind of God actually made him righteousness within in His experience by God. Remember circumcision is symbolical of the Righteousness of the faith which he had Rom.4:11, and Rom.2:26-29 shows true circumcision is of the heart while Deut.30:6 shows circumcision causes an experience of the Love of God in the heart. Thus making him a keeper of the commandments Deut.30:16. Remember faith establishes law keeping in the experience- Rom.3:31 and worketh by love Gal.5:6. And that the Sabbath was made for man - Mark 2:27 and was in effect before being given on Sinai in tables of stone - Exodus 16:26.
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