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Entering Into Rome Is Compromise

To begin the expose on the book 'From Sabbath to Sunday,' it is necessary to show how it is a product of Papal compromise. The fact that this book was accepted by Catholic scholars of the Jesuit
order and get their authorization, could be nothing short of the fact that the book has papal compromise of errors favoring Sunday as the Lord's day and the Seventh Day Sabbath being compromised and made void.

I will start by showing that to enter into that pontifical Gregorian
University, firstly, one must consider the Jesuit priest, who are they, and that the receiving of the imprimatur is proof that Dr. Bacchiocchi is in subtle connection with Rome to destroy the SDA Church.

It is said on 'page 3' of the book 'From Sabbath to Sunday' '… Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi was the first non-Catholic to graduate from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.' This is serious compromise and signs of who is on Rome's side. That University which was established around the 15th century is known to be the highest Catholic Jesuit training school, and of course is only for Catholics.
Why is Dr. Bacchiocchi who is supposed to be a Seventh Day Adventist, (a heretic as far as the Papacy is concerned) who is suppose to stand on the ground of adverse anti-papal, anti-Roman
Catholic doctrines, the first non-Catholic to go there?. Does not SDA have their own University called Andrews University, of which the Doctor is a theological professor? So why did he go to the Roman Catholic Jesuit University to research the change of the Sabbath and the history of Sunday? The information in his book is available in many other places.

But what is more shocking is that Dr. Bacchiocchi's professor at the Gregorian University was a Jesuit priest called 'Vincenzo Monachino (S.J) Chairman of the church history department, pontifical Gregorian University." (Ibid. p. 3). The S.J. means Society of Jesuits, but who are the Jesuits? To quote a few sources.
"The Jesuits belong to an order but are not Monastic, and
usually are engaged in educational work in the colleges and seminaries. " "The Jesuit order was founded by Ignatius Loyola, a Spanish soldier priest, in 1534. " "The Jesuits are tightly organized under a military type of discipline and their number is relatively fewer than those of the other Orders. Their influence, however, has been out of proportion to their numbers. For centuries they have been the real power behind the Papacy…” Loraine Boettner, Roman Catholicism, p. 302,67.

This shows that the Jesuits existence was at a time when the reformation was in full development and that the Roman Catholic
Church's influence was threatened by the pure doctrines of the Bible preached by the Reformers. Here is what Mrs. White has to say of the Jesuits during the time of the French Reformation.

"Through out Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the re formation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created the most cruel, unscrupulous and powerful of all the champions of popery. Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception..., it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy. The Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe and whenever they went, there followed a revival of popery.” Great Controversy p. 234,235 (hardcover)
In the light of these facts we can see that the Jesuits are no simple association of priests in the Roman Catholic Church. That it is their studied effort to infiltrate the protestants churches and remove them from their strong position of truth in the bible which are against the traditions and dogmas of doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. The remnant church of God SDA is now under such attack from the Jesuits. Is it that Dr. Samuel Bacchiocchi has subjected his mind to the skills and agenda of the Jesuits against God's people in destroying their foundation in the Sabbath truth?
Further proof of the deep compromise that was made by Bacchiocchi is the fact that his book was able to gain the achievement of the IMPRIMATUR' by the 'Rector Universitatis. R.P HERVE Carrier, S.I' (see p. 4 of 'From Sabbath To Sunday').
Now what does it mean for a book written by a non-Catholic to gain this high Roman Catholic authorization? It is that the contents of the book is in no way out of harmony with the views and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. To quote a source:

"Throughout the Roman Catholic systems of 'education’ from the parochial schools to the colleges and seminaries, the teachers, who for the most part are nuns and priests, have studied particularly nothing, except what has borne the official Imprimatur' '(let it be published) ' of the church"
Roman Catholicism, p. 364.

Therefore this book of Dr. Bacchiocchi, 'From Sabbath to Sunday' is material suitable for Catholic educationalists also, and we all know they reject the Sabbath light. Then this book is written to aid the Catholic false concepts of the Sabbath and give more credence to Sunday worship. Why should Bacchiocchi rejoice of the spurious outcome that was awarded his efforts? The book really misrepresents issues of the Sabbath, thus for it to receive papal sanction is facts that true and real Seventh Day Adventist should reject such a book. Worse yet that He was awarded highest honors for that book is sure compromise of the truth, even to the point that Bacchiocchi got a gold medal from Pope Paul VI. He surely loves the praise of men (who hate truth). This award proves that Christ was not honored in Dr. Bacchiocchi.
Could you imagine that YHWH God telling one of His many prophets to enter into one of the great learning centers of Egypt, Babylon and Canaan and then proclaim truth against the Sabbath,
yet say that YHWH God has used them?

The example of Moses shows differently; he had to unlearn the concepts of Egypt. All that Joseph learnt in Egypt he turned to glorify God and win many converts to YHWH. Daniel and the Hebrew princes also glorified YHWH greatly, because many were converted, even the King of Babylon.
Who has Dr. Bacchiocchi converted to the Sabbath light? Oh God, surely not Pope Paul VI or any of his professors in that University. God shall judge this man's works, for they transgress God's holy law and surely his reward shall be bitter, unless Dr. Bacchiocchi repents of his heresies and humble before Jesus Christ, the truth.
See appendix A (Dr. Bacchiocchi's anti-Sabbath reward


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