19) Rev 17: 8 Exposited:
a) The scarlet colored beast is described as “as was”, “is not”, and “yet is”. This means:
i) The “was” refers to the beast existing as an active philosophy in ancient Egypt in the form of the denial of God done by pharaoh and his fight against God. Ex 5: 1, 2.
ii) We know this because Egypt is symbolically the King of the South in the time of the end (1798 A.C.B) which push against the King of the North (the Papacy), and this King of the South power was the atheistical Illuminati of the Rothschild Jews that wounded the Papacy in 1798, in the French Revolution (Dan 11: 8, 9, 40; Rev 3: 1-3, 10).
iii) The “is not” refers to the Beast not existing as an influential political power in the time of John when he wrote the Revelation. Rev 1: 9.
iv) The “yet is” refers to the fact that this Beast does indeed exist as a philosophy in the time of John, but not as a politically influential movement in the Roman Empire. It is Pharisaical anti-Jesus acts. Acts 13: 43-50; Acts 17: 1-9; Acts 18: 12-17.
v) The beast ascends out of the bottomless pit in the time of the French Revolution around 1776 when the Illuminati were born. Rev 11: 7-9. “According to the words of the prophet, then, a little before the year 1798 some power of satanic origin and character would rise to make war upon the Bible. And in the land where the testimony of God’s two witnesses should thus be silenced, there would be manifest the atheism of the Pharaoh and the licentiousness of Sodom. This prophecy has received a most exact and striking fulfillment in the history of France.
During the Revolution of 1793, the world for the first time heard and assembly of men, born and educated in civilization and assuming the right to govern one of the finest European nations, uplift their united voice to deny the most solemn truth which man’s soul receives, and renounce unanimously the belief and worship of the Deity… France is the only nation in the world concerning which the authentic record survives, that as a nation she lifted her hand in open rebellion against the Author of the universe. Plenty of blasphemers, plenty of infidels, there have been, and still continue to be, in England, Germany, Spain, and elsewhere; but France stands apart in the world’s history as the single state which, by the decree of her legislative assembly, pronounced that there was no God, and of which the entire population of the capital, and a vast majority elsewhere, women as well as men, danced and sang with joy in accepting the announcement”. Ellen G White, The Great Controversy. Pp. 269-270.
“As they (the two witnesses) were approaching the terminating of their work in obscurity, war was to be made upon them by the power represented as “the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit”. In many of the nations of Europe the powers that ruled in church and state had for centuries been controlled by Satan through the medium of the papacy. But here is brought to view a new manifestation of satanic power”. Ibid, pp. 268-269.
“Barruel wrote four different volumes titled Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism in which he explained that the French Revolution was the result of secret societies, largely the Bavarian Illuminati”. Mark Dice, The Illuminati Facts and Fiction, p. 51.
“…the Order of the Illuminati was founded on May 1st, 1776 by Dr. Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Cannon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, Bavaria. Weishaupt (born a Jew and a convert to Roman Catholicism) was a former Jesuit priest who broke with that Order to form his own organization”. Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, p. 42.
“On the first of May, 1776, Weishaupt founded the secret society of the Illuminati, the instrument by which he planned to accomplish his goal”. Ibid, p.53
vi) The new manifestation of Satanic power that arose in 1776 just before 1793 or 1798, the Illuminati, had the following goal;
“…Mackey, an American Mason describes him as follows in the book, Lexicon of Freemasonry.
‘ Weishaupt was a radical in politics and an infidel in religion, and he organized this association, not more for the purpose of aggrandizing himself, than of overturning Christianity and the institution of society’” Gerald B. Winrod, Adam Weishaupt A Human Devil, p.16.
“… the ultimate aims of the Order: (1) Abolition of all ordered government.
(2) Abolition of private property. (3) Abolition of inheritance. (4) Abolition of Patriotism. (5) Abolition of all religion. (6) Abolition of the family. (i.e. marriage, morality and the proper education of children) and (7) the creation of a World Government”. Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, p. 54
vii) The bottomless pit that the Illuminati arises out of is the chaos and disorder of
the world of demons; we are being told that the organization arouse out of the
world and plans of demons. (“Bottomless pit is the word”abyss”, and this translated as “deep”. (Rev 17: 8, Gen 1: 2. Lk 8: 31)
b) The beast goes in perdition, which is destruction. This tells us that the scarlet colored beast will self destruct in the chaos and disorder that exists after it does its God-appointed work. There will be global civil war. (Rev 17:11, Zech 14: 13)
c) Those who wonder or marvel are those whose names were not written in the book of life. When they see the self destruction of the scarlet colored beast and its empire. This means that they trusted in this blasphemous power from the beginning of this beast’s existence, so they cannot be saved. Isa 2: 22. Ps 146: 3, 4. Isa 30: 1-3, 12, 13.
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