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Thusian : “Why do you exalt Sunday?”
Mr. Sunday Exalter.” We do so in honor or the resurrection”

1Co 11:24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
1Co 11:25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
1Co 11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.” 
THIS IS WHAT GOD COMMANDED AND IT WAS TO SHOW HIS DEATH and if you want to acknowledge a day for his death, why not FRYDAY because Christ die on a Friday and furthermore it should be the date and not day, the date when Christ died and not the day.( not to mean that any date is commanded for he said “ AS OFTEN AS YE EAT”) Let me ask you a question 
Sir what day of the week you were born on.”

Mr. Sunday Exalter, I was born on a Sunday,
Thusian: so tell me do you honor or celebrate you birth date every Sunday, is it not a fact that every year the day of your birth date changes. 
Mr Sunday Exalter: Yes

Thusian So it make no sense to say that you keep Sunday in honor of the resurrection of Christ and further more Christ never give such command, we should keep the things that Jesus command only, LET US SEE THIS IN THE SCRIPTURES, TURN TO
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Thusian Do you see what the scriptures say’s we “ observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:” 
So exalting Sunday will mean that you are making your self righteous by your own works for God did not revealed that to you. Do you understand Brother.
Brother :Yes I do 
Thusian Next time we meet we will look at the origin of Sunday Exaltation in History, and how Sunday exaltation came into the churches in detailed; let me leave you with this small portion, I am reading from a booklet written by an Elder in our church Bro Nyron Median. Reading, from pages 18,19.

“ It was Pius I that brought Sunday exaltation to the seventh day 
Sabbath keeping Christian churches in Rome. He did it by the use of a Sunday Passover. Again we are told.

“There is a tradition that he [Pius] 
first caused Sunday to be observed 
by Christians. Pius I was bishop of 
the Roman church from about AD 143 
to 158.... One notable happening listed 
by Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea, in his Chronicon is this: ‘It was commanded by 
Pius that the Lord's resurrection should 
be celebrated on the Lord's day [Sunday], which was confirmed by later pontiffs.” Ibid, p. 108.

So my there brother God wants his people to keep His Sabbath, I am leaving this book with you please make time to go through this study with pray and focus-reading
The Church that Jesus left behind kept 
the Seventh day Sabbath. No Sunday 
keeping existed amongst them.

a. Jesus said the Sabbath was made 
for man, and not man for the Sabbath. This means that every man (church members) must keep the seventh day Sabbath as instructed by Jesus. 
Mark 2:27,28; Matthew 12:8,12.

b. It was Jesus' custom to keep the seventh day Sabbath, this would be also done by His followers. Luke 4:16,31; Luke 6:5,6; Mark 1:21; Mark 6:1,2.
c. Knowing that Jerusalem would be 
destroyed about 39 years after He 
ascended into heaven, Jesus before 
cautioned the churches in that city 
to pray that their flight be not on the Sabbath day. Why? because they 
were expected to keep the seventh 
day Sabbath even after His death, 
resurrection and ascension into heaven. This is what the early church did. 
Matthew 24:20.

d. After Jesus went into heaven, there is 
obvious evidence that the apostolic churches did keep the seventh day 
Sabbath. Acts 13:14,42-44; Acts 16;13; Acts 17:2; Acts 18:4.

e. By stating that the whole law must be kept, this also included the seventh day Sabbath, and thus was so done by the early church. James 2:8-12.
f. Paul himself clearly articulated that 
there remains a seventh day “sabbath-keeping” (sabbatismos) for the people of God who must rest as God did. From these statements, the early church did keep the seventh day Sabbath. Hebrews 4:3,4,9-11.

g. Finally, John the apostle, who wrote 
the book of the Revelation around 97 to 98 A.C.B., which amount to 67 years 
after the ascension of Jesus into heaven, kept the Lord's day, which shows which day the churches he pastored kept. 

h. The Lord's day is YHWH's day, this day is the seventh day Sabbath. Thus by 98 A.C.B. the churches were all keeping the seventh day Sabbath. Mark 2:28; Ezekiel 20:12,20; Isaiah 58:13.
2. In the apocryphal “Acts of the Holy Apostle 
and Evangelist John” written between 
the second and third centuries A.C.B., 
the author, a Valentinian gnostic, shows that the Lord's day in John's time was 
considered to be the seventh day Sabbath. This is an incidental revelation as to which day the early church kept.

"On the seventh day, it being the Lord's day, he said to them: ‘Now it is time for me also to partake of food’” Acts of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John, Vol. XVI.
3. Even the false “Acts of Peter”, another gnostical writing from the second century A.C.B., considers the Lord's day to be the seventh day Sabbath. We are told.
“Now on the Lord's day Peter was 
preaching to the brethren and 
encouraging their faith in Christ .... 
And they brought the sick people also 
to him on the Sabbath, entreating him 
that they might be cured of their diseases.” Acts of Peter, in, The Other Bible, p. 440.

4. However, by the fourth century A.C.B., many of the churches in the Roman 
Empire were keeping both the seventh day Sabbath and Sunday. Here are some 
ancient writings that prove this.

“The Jews say, that from the beginning 
God sanctified the seventh day, by resting on it from all His works which He made; and that thence it was likewise, that 
Moses said to the people: ‘Remember 
the day of the Sabbath, to sanctify it; 
every servile work ye shall not do therein, except what pertaineth unto life. Whence we (Christians) understand that we still more ought to observe a Sabbath from 
all servile work always, and not only 
every seventh day, but through all time.” Tertullian, An Answer to the Jews, chap. 4.

“We count fasting or kneeling in worship on the Lord's day to be unlawful.” The Chaplet, chap. 3.
“... we make Sunday a day of festivity.” Tertullian, Ad Nationes, book 1, chap. 13.
5. In another document of the third 
century A.C.B., we see both the seventh day Sabbath and the first day of the week (called the Lord's day) being kept by the church. We are told:

“Keep the Sabbath, and the Lord's day 
festival; because the former is the 
memorial of creation, and the later of 
the resurrection.” The Apostolic 
Constitution, book 7, chap. 23.

“Let the slaves work five days: but on the Sabbath day and the Lord's day let them have leisure to go to church for instruction and piety.” The Apostolic Constitution, book 8, chap. 33W


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