God condemns the worship of these deities in the Bible and calls it abominations
Word from the Author
There are many customs, practices and traditions (Easter and Lent in the case of this booklet) that were instituted and are present today in the Roman Catholic Church that was never instituted by Christ nor His Apostles in the early Church. We who live at the closing of earth history under sin, must clearly understand the errors that are purported by Satan and his evil angels. They are skillfully hidden in false Christian religious doctrines and traditions and are responsible for many being lost, and being utterly severed from Jesus Christ as a personal savior. Because the truth is not known about these facts a vast majority are in bondage to these deceptions, and will give homage to the Roman Catholic church as the source of salvation above Jesus Christ, when God has already condemned that church for her many sins and will destroy her and her followers at His second coming. (see Revelation 18:2-8 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8).
This publication reveals what God said through the prophets, the apostles and history concerning the great apostasy of the Church after the death of the holy apostles. It clearly shows that the church at Rome in apostasy developed through the hand of Satan as a mighty religio-political power, which was responsible for many atrocities in her life, forgotten by men but certainly remembered by God in which He will pronounce His judgment against her.
The development of this church’s power was gradual and by its adulthood it matured into the Papal system or the Papacy. The power of the man who sits in that office, the Pope, and the spurious authority of the church was and is greatly responsible for deceived the world concerning salvation from sin thoroughly through Jesus Christ, and is responsible for millions of people being lost which she achieved through false doctrines and pagan traditions covered in Christian clothing.
The point of the booklet is to highlight Easter and Lent in that church and reveal the true meaning so one may eschew these abominations and seek Christ in His purity. Easter was never instituted by the apostolic church. Although Christ’s death was around the same time of the pagan festival, there is no justification to christianize it. We must never adopt the unbelievers customs and traditions and fit it into God’s holy system. The bible clearly states,
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain…” Jer. 10:2,3.
“...for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?” 2 Cor. 6:14,15.
This publication is to enlighten the people of this reality that they may see what God in the Bible and history shows, and be free from the deceptions and escape for their life before God brings the Roman Catholic Church into judgment and utter destruction.
Finally, my prayer and hope is that all readers will have an unbiased and sincere mind. Accept the true doctrines of Jesus Christ and not the false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church and her traditions, which would grant them a place in His Eternal kingdom and be spared from the wrath of God which is to be poured out on that church according to the book of Revelation chapter eighteen. Amen.
Peter Gabriel
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