Since membership in God's church is recorded in the Book of life, and made up of those who were converted into sinfreeness, why would God ask as a criteria, DID YOU ATTEND SERVICES AT A GENERAL CONFERENCE SDA CHURCH? After all going there does not help one to have the doctrine of sinfreeness as an experience, since salvation to them is Righteousness placed on an account and not Righteousness placed in the person.
WHAT OUR INQUIRY ABOUT OURSELVES SHOULD BE? We are in the very last days, we are told that the last controversy will be very short. “We are standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. The last great conflict will be short, but terrible. Old controversies will be revived. New controversies will arise. We have a great work to do. Our ministerial work must not cease. The last warning must be given to the world. There is a special power in the presentation of the truth at the present time. How long will it last? Only a little while.” Ellen G. White, Selected Messages bk. 3, pg. 419. And in view of the lateness of time, what should be the inquiry of everyone? We are told: “The inquiry of everyone should be ‘whose am I? To whom do I owe allegiance? Is my heart renewed? Is my soul reformed? Are my sins forgiven? Will they be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come?” Ibid, pg. 419. We must needs examine ourselves to see if we...
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