Man’s Purpose and Meaning
By Nyron Medina
We know for sure that man did not come into existence by gradual evolution.
The sympathetic functionalism of every single part of the human body has with each other part for the functioning and survival of the human being, cannot sustain an evolutionary origin, thus we know that God created man (Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:7). But why was man created? What purpose was given to man to give meaning to his existence? The answer lies in an incident that occurred in God’s universe long before man was created. The highest of all God’s created intelligences thus far, an angel by the name of Lucifer, that stood at God’s throne, first ventured to use his brilliant mind to create a new path to follow for himself, other than the Will of God. He said in his mind: “…I will ascend into heaven, (that is, be an ascended one), I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, (that means, he will seek an exaltation to be more than an angel), I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north (that means, he will sit upon the throne of God in his attempt for such a recognition), I will ascend above the heights of the clouds) which means, he will seek to be an ascended one above angels), I will be like the most High, (this means that he wanted to be God with God). See Isaiah 14:12-4 and see also Ezekiel 28:2, 14-17 for examples of Lucifer’s original transgression. Lucifer wanted to be God with God, this was his original transgression which was alsohis invention of pantheistic theology. There are only two entities in the entire universe they are, God and Creation. Lucifer sought to make creation become God with God by the pantheistic view that “all is God”. However, his transgression was done in the knowledge of the fact that God is One (James 2:19; Deuteronomy 6:14), Invisible (1Timothy 6:15,16; Romans
1:20), Divine (2 Peter 1:4; Romans 1:20), Spirit (John 4:24), Nature (2Peter 1:4; Galatians 4:6), Love (1 John 4:8,16), in three persons (1 John 5:7; Matthew 3:16,17). Jesus, while on earth,taught that God dwelt in the
three persons, that the person form was not God; the Spirit Nature was God (Corinthians 5:19; John 4:4; John 6:63). Thus Jesus was God not in His body, but in the Divine Nature that was in Him and belonged to Him
(Micah 5:2; John 8:58). Lucifer claimed that he was God with God because God dwelt in Him, but this could not be so, because he did not have any of the divine offices of God in him. The offices of God are Will,
Mediator and Creative Agency, no more, and they have been divided up in the persons of the Father (Will – Hebrews 10:5-7; John 17:4), and the Word or Son (Mediator - 1Timothy 2:5) and the Holy Spirit (the Creative
Agency – Psalms 104:30; Genesis :2). These three offices are the offices of the One, Invisible, Divine, Spirit, Nature, Love who is God alone, thus even though God dwelt in Lucifer or any other created intelligence, since
His presence wasn’t with the offices of God, that being was not God and could not be called God. When Lucifer rebelled he took one third of the angels with him (Revelation 12:3,4) and later when man was created by God, it was to destroy the works of Satan, it was to destroy his claim to be God with God, and show that God was God alone (Isaiah 43:21; Deuteronomy 32:3; 1 John 3:8). Although man fell into sin in league with Satan to claim that creation is God with God (Genesis 3:1-6), the Plan of Salvation which gives to man a second chance at fulfilling his purpose for being created, is to cause man to destroy the multitudinous errors and deceptions of Satan, by saying that God is numerically one God. Mark 12:28-30-32. Man can only truly find meaning and purpose for his existence, when, as a born again Christian he says that “God is God alone”
(Psalms 86:10; Isaiah 37:16; Psalms 97:9; Isaiah 42:8; Isaiah 44:6,8; Isaiah 54:5). Amen.
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