The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God.His love is drawing us to Himself.If we do not resist this drawing,we shall be led to the foot of the cross in repentance for the sins that have crucified the Saviour.Then the Spirit of God through faith produces a new life in the soul.The thoughts and desires are brought into obedience to the will of Christ. The heart,the mind,are created anew in the image of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself.Then the law of God is written in the mind and heart, and we can say with Christ, I delight to do thy will,O my God.Psalm 40:8 (D.A.176)
The above Quotation shows that Sis White did not hold the General Conference false doctrine of the death of Christ. The General Conference teaches that Christ's actual physical death saves, because He took the death penalty in our actual place. "This concept is not Biblical and when it is believed, leads to a most insidious error that leads far away from the truth; it attacks the justice and the Love of God in the concept it structures about the death of Jesus on the cross" Taken from 'An Essay on Jesus and Substitution' by Nyron Medina. The General Conference false death of Christ concept can be termed instead of -objective - substitution -application of the death of Jesus."False theories about the death of Christ are poisonous concepts that consequentially destroys the teachings of Adventism in a subtle ways, until the whole nature of the religion becomes openly changed. If it was God's will that the innocent Jesus should be punished for guilty man's sins instead of man, why does man yet remain under condemnation after Jesus died? If this transaction was on condition of man's repentance, then it should not have been before man repented, it would also mean that those who never repented before the death of Christ, were not included in this substitutionary benefit of Jesus's death. This plainly means that Jesus did not die for all men. This clearly shows the falsehood of this teaching. The true concept of the death of Christ is being taught by Thusia Seventh Day Adventist and was so clearly presented by Sis White in the quote above,which teaches, that It is not the actually physical death which saves man from sins, not even from actual penalty due to the guilty man. However, what was needed to save man from sins, was sufferage for sin to cause man to have an adequate repentance to receive Divine forgiveness, and the gift of Life to substitute spiritual death with the Spirit of life, or God within. In this way we have God dwelling in the converted man as a substitute of his former idol-values is what is meant by Jesus being our Substitute. This is the chief meaning. This substitution is the first replacement application of the death of Christ and refers to His gift of life to change man, it can be termed subjective substitution intention of the death of Christ. This is substantiated by the following bible text John 12:32 compared with Jn 5:40; "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." This he said, signifying what death he should die.
Jn 5:40 shows that coming to Christ is to have life. See also Jn 3:16 which tells of the purpose Christ was sent to the earth which is that we may have "have eternal life", the definition for "eternal life" is in Jn 17:3 where we are told eternal life is the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, which is really a knowledge of God as is revealed in Jesus Christ as Jn 1:18 explains a knowledge of the Father can only be obtained through Jesus Christ. This eternal-life replaces the sin of the carnal-mind, see Rom. 8:2 where we are told the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made the person free from the law of sin and death (the law of sin and death being a principle operating due to the carnal mind). All this can only happen after the adequate repentance is first done, the holy-spirit places on the mind the suffering of God, this is a knowledge of the horribleness of sin, as 2 Cor 7:10-11 tells us "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death."
Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Oct-Dec 2008, entitled "Atonement and the Cross of Christ ", Lesson 10, November 29th, Here is the Quote:
"We all tend to be like that, blaming others for our misdeeds. But God does not accept excuses; He considers each one of us accountable for our sins. However, here's where the mystery of atonement begins to appear in its beauty, If we assume responsibility for our sins and have true faith in Jesus, God is willing to forgive us those sins. When we acknowledge our responsibility, we are liberated from the penalty of our rebellion. What happened to that penalty? God did not overlook it , No instead He allowed it to fall on Jesus, and Christ's and Christ experience of that punishment will be our theme this week."
Note there is no bible text to support such myth. Please read these bible text which will prove this General Conference concept is "another-gospel myth" , Prov. 17:16,26, Ex 23:7; Ezek. 18:20,23,31,32. 1Pet 2:24; 1Pet. 4:1,2.
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