Now, Thusia (S.D.A) teaches the Biblical doctrine of Justification and Sanctification.When God temporarily nullifies the carnal consciousness, and by His Spirit places Faith and Love/Righteousness in the heart/consciousness to convict of sin and Righteousness ...(Romans 8:6,7; John 16:8,13,14).
a. If we believe ... Romans 10:9,10.
b. Repent ... Mark 1:15.
c. Confess ... Romans 10:9,10.
Then God Justifies us, which is:
a. Non-imputation or death of the sin of the heart. Roman 4::8; Romans 6:6.
b. Imputation of Faith and Love/Righteousness already in our hearts, as ours, making us actually Righteous. (Romans 5:5; Romans 3:22; Romans 8:6; Romans 5:1,18).
Thus Justification means to make righteous. Psalms 32:1,2,11.
Justification is the non-imputation of the Carnal Mind/Values, plus the imputation of the Spiritual Mind of Love and Faith or Faith and Righteousness. (Romans 8:6; Romans5:1,18).
. The change of Justification is also called sanctification, that is, separation from inner sin. We call it the “First Sanctification”. (1 Corinthians 6:11; Ezekiel 11:19; Colossians 2:11-13).
In this Justification we are given divine Righteousness or the Nature of God in us.
(Romans 3:22; Jeremiah 23:5,6).
This Justification is a subjective change of First Sanctification or separation from sin.Thus we are actually made sinfree. Romans 6:6,7.
There is Second Sanctification or Sanctification as maintenance of the change of
Justification. Romans 6:11-19.
This Second Sanctification is the maintenance of the mental sinfreeness given to us in Justification by the gift of the Spirit. Romans 6:17,18.
15. Sanctification has various parts. They are:
a. Lingering Victory:
Abiding in Christ so that Christ can abide in us making us sinfree without yet
overcoming all our faults (that is in our memory bank).
b. Conquering Victory:
Overcoming faults or sins without falling into sin.
c. Achieved Victory:
Overcoming all one’s faults while on earth, by the aid of Grace before the second
coming of Jesus Christ.
d. Sealed Perfection:
This is being sealed by the Latter Rain of the Spirit in the state of victory already
16. Thus Thusia (S.D.A) and the Bible teaches that Perfection means:
a. Actual sinfreeness in the experience and thus works are verily present. 1 John 3:7; 1 John 2:29; 1 John 3:3.
b. As Christ is in the heart, no sin is in the heart. 1 John 3:6,7.
c. As Christ is in the heart He causes obedience to the Law in the existence, so no sin or disobedience is in the heart and existence of the person. John 15:10,12; 1 John 3:24.
d. This is Lingering Victory, because it is the present experience of sinfreeness while being or lingering in Christ, but it does not mean that the person does not have to overcome. 1 John 2:24,28.
e. Sin dwells in the consciousness, feelings and works. If the person has an experience of Love in the consciousness, the feelings are thus sanctified, and the works caused by God’s Love is obedience to the Law. Thus there is no sin at present. Ezekiel 36:26,27.
f. While Love is in the heart, and obedience is in the works, there cannot be (at the same time) sin in the heart and works. Good and evil cannot work together. James 3:8-12.
g. This absence of sin when only God is in the heart is “temporary sinfreeness”. This does not mean that the person has gained victory over all his faults as yet, or developed a consistent human character as yet. 1 John 5:18.
h. Once He is in the mind God alone is logically seen as the Ideal in contrast to all things through the Faith of the Gospel of Salvation; God is on the throne of the heart, thus there is no root of sin in the mind. The person is sinless. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6.
i. One can experience Conquering Victory over faults without ever falling into sin. 1
John 1:7.
j. Faith reveals the wrong values a man has in his memory, his remembrance of them is
not sin so long as he does not accept or embrace the idol of his fault as love.
k. When he remembers his wrong values and their idols, without accepting them and thus
falling into sin in his heart, he must rationalize them away with Faith and Love, and
accept this Faith and Love as the guiding principle for mind and experience and works.
God thus imputes the Faith and Love as the man’s experience. Thus the man has Faith
and Love and is without sin. (2 Corinthians 4:6,7; Psalms 119:11).
l. The works the man has by Faith and Love causes God to declare him righteous by
works. This is Second Sanctification or justification by works. James 2:21,22,24,25.
m. When this Faith and Love motivates the choice through influencing the Will, so that the
works are caused by Faith and Love, this is Sanctification by Faith. It is Conquering
Victory. Romans 3:22,28,30,31; Ephesians 2:10.
n. Such a person in Conquering Victory is going from victory to victory. This person is
sinless or perfect in a temporary sense. 1 Corinthians 15:57,58; 1 John 2:10.
o. When the person has:
i. Overcome all faults/sins.
ii. Learn to keep from falling back into sin.
iii. Learn to keep Christian human Character functioning in all things.
iv. Keep the whole Law mentally, emotionally, verbally and in works. Then he would
have reached Achieved Victory.
p. Being settled both intellectually and spiritually by the Latter Rain in the state of
Achieved Victory is called Sealed Perfection. This is “ultimate sinfree perfection”.
Revelation 14:1-5; Revelation 15:2.
17. Thus the Biblical idea of Sanctification shows that it happens in the realm of the sinlessness
we have been given by transformative Justification. 1 John 1:7; 1 John 2:5.
18. Anytime a person falls into sin again after Justification, the process of Conviction, Believing, Repentance. Confession and Justification must happen over again. And it reoccurs as much as a person falls into sin and seeks help. Once justified, not always justified. 1 John 2:1.
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