Some believe the man in Rom7:23 is showing that a converted person has two conflicting natures in them. Read the whole of Romans 6 and Romans 8:1-14 and ask yourself is the man of Rom.7:23 a converted saint. The bible teaches you either have the Carnal mind or the Spiritual mind. Not both at the same time. Rom.8:2 tells us the the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made the saint free from the law of sin and death, which is the law of sin in the members spoken of in Rom.7:23. Rom.6 speaks of being made free from sin Rom6:6,7,16-24 especially, and speaks of the sinful experience as conquered and in the past, while Rom7:8-23 speaks of an person that is frustratingly a captive to sin. Rom.8:1-14 explains the way how of victory over sin. Rom8:9 tells us they that are in the flesh, which is those having the carnal mind are none of His. The man of Rom.7:23 has the carnal mind and is in the flesh, and thus bares fruit of the flesh and thus is none of His. Matt.7:17,18 & luke 6:43-45 tells us a good tree only brings forth good fruit and a bad tree (the carnal mind) bad fruit. A person could only have one experience at a time either abiding in Christ by abiding in the word or abiding in the flesh by not allowing Christ to remain in the thoughts of the mind. Carnal desires is due to not holding the word of truth in your mind. The bible also tells us walk in the Spirit and we shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh, and that they that are in the Spirit hath crucified the flesh with its affection and lust. Gal.5:17 tells us the flesh is oppposeth in principle to the Spirit so you either have one experience or the other and cannot do as you would, as it is written he that is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him -1John 3:9.
WHAT OUR INQUIRY ABOUT OURSELVES SHOULD BE? We are in the very last days, we are told that the last controversy will be very short. “We are standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. The last great conflict will be short, but terrible. Old controversies will be revived. New controversies will arise. We have a great work to do. Our ministerial work must not cease. The last warning must be given to the world. There is a special power in the presentation of the truth at the present time. How long will it last? Only a little while.” Ellen G. White, Selected Messages bk. 3, pg. 419. And in view of the lateness of time, what should be the inquiry of everyone? We are told: “The inquiry of everyone should be ‘whose am I? To whom do I owe allegiance? Is my heart renewed? Is my soul reformed? Are my sins forgiven? Will they be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come?” Ibid, pg. 419. We must needs examine ourselves to see if we are
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