By Nyron Medina for the service of THUSIA SDA
1. In the Bible YHWH is idenfied as the Holy One.
Isaiah 43:3; Jeremiah 50:29; Jeremiah 51:5.
2. God is first called the Holy One in Job 6:10.
3. YHWH wants the nations to know that He is YHWHthe Holy One. Ezekiel 39:7.
4. Here is the meaning of Holy One, it atacks Luciferseeking to be God with God. (Isaiah 14:12‐14;
Deuteronomy 32:39; Isaiah 43:10‐12).
a. In the Bible the word "holy" means "God only" or"God alone". 1 Samuel 2:2; Exodus 15:11.
b. The word One is used numerically to show that God is the only one entity in the universe, He isthe only entity that could be numbered one inthe whole universe. Galatians 3:20; James 2:19.
c. Thus God is called the incomparable Holy One. Isaiah 40:25.
d. So Holy One means "God only" "One". Isaiah 37:16,23.
5. There are three separate persons, the Father, theWord and the Spirit. 1 John 5:7.
6. This One God dwells in the entites of the three persons. (This, Jesus taught by example in Hisearthly incarnation ). 2 Corinthians 5:19.
7. This One God divides up His functons as:
i. Will. It is God that wills. Philippians 2:13.
ii. Mediate (or Reveal). It is God alone that showsor reveals. Isaiah 45:21.
iii. Creative Agent. It is God that creates. Genesis 1:1.
8. These offices of God are divided up in the three persons.
i. The Father wills. MaƩhew 7:21.
ii. The Son or Word Mediates. Hebrews 12:24.
iii. The Spirit creates. Psalms 104:30.
9. Now, God is God in Nature, He is the Divine Nature. (Galatians 4:8; 2 Peter 1:4).
10. The term Holy One refers to the Divine Nature orGod because the Holy One is the Most High. (Psalms 83:18; Isaiah 43:15). (Habakkuk 1:12).
11. The term “Holy One” is used to apply to the Divine Nature in His offices of deity.
a. The Holy One is Will. Isaiah 30:11; Isaiah 31:1;Isaiah 43:14; Isaiah 60:9,14; Jeremiah 50:29;Habakkuk 1:12.
b. The Holy One is Mediator or Revealer. Isaiah48:17; (Isaiah 5:19 counsel); (Job 6:10 words);Isaiah 5:24 word); (Psalms 71:22 truth); (Isaiah10:17 light); Isaiah 30:15.
c. The Holy One is Creator. Isaiah 17:7; Isaiah40:25,26; Isaiah 45:11,12; Isaiah 54:5.
12. The Holy One is identified as Savior or Redeemerbecause these terms are used in the sense of"Creator." Isaiah 54:5; Isaiah43:15,3.
13. Even demons identified Jesus as the Holy One, thusJesus is God. Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34; (Acts 2:27;Acts 13:35).
14. The Holy Spirit is also the Holy One that gives us anuncton (anointing ) that we may know Truth.
1 John 2:20.
15. Thus in summary we can say the following:
a. The term Holy One identifies God as “God only” and one (meaning one God).
b. The term Holy One applies to the Divine Nature.
c. The three offices of God are applied to the term Holy One as His functon.
d. Jesus is the Holy One therefore Jesus is God.
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