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We are told: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves …” 2 Timothy 3:1,2. The perilous times that we live in today has been created by men who are being used by Satan to be “inventors of evil things” (Romans 1:30), that has brought “… upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity …” so that “… Men’s hearts [are] failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth …” Luke 21:25,26. Ever since the invention of the Illuminati in 1776, and its spread like a cancer all over the world in the last three centuries, the world has faced a horrible danger as never before seen, and this danger has added to itself the plot to genocidally murder millions of the population of the earth since the early 1900s, to create a manageable New World Order. One of the many ways being used by Illuminist conspirators, is the creation of new deadly viruses from previously existing harmless ones, to unleash upon 
the world, to cause pandemics of death by the millions all over the earth. This deliberate 
conspiracy is covered by a false science of biology which claims that viruses progressively mutate, when the real fact of the matter is that new gene technology of splicing and recombining has been used since the 1970’s and after to create new deadly viruses. Some examples are: the HIV virus that causes AIDS, and the Ebola virus. Many thousands of authoritative scientific documents from reputable scientific institutions and 
universities reveal that these viruses and many other deadly ones were invented in a U.S. lab 
for the sake of germ warfare, and they are being used for population reduction as some of the elite personalities have inadvertently revealed. Even the Chikungunya virus, once a subject of the U.S. biological warfare program, is listed in a document as one of the viruses in the U.S. arsenal. One document that reveals that the U.S. was experimenting with the Chikungunya virus way back in 1981 explains that the infections of 39 of the lab workers with the virus show that it is an airborne virus, thus could be contracted via the aerosol route. This is the only credible explanation for the rapid spread of the virus, even though we are being told that it is only spread when a person is bitten by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. (Note. To deal with this virus in the throat, use Listerine, original flavor, to gaggle the passage as low down as possible, and spit it out. To deal with the infection of the virus, use green Papaya leaves either boiled or osterised in water and drink the liquid for quick relief from the symptoms in a couple of days). 
Just recently, scientists in the U.S. have invented 127 hybrid viruses from the H1N1 virus, and they are all deadly enough to kill millions. Another scientist, also in the U.S., invented another virus from the H1N1 virus that can avoid the human immune system therefore it is now a pandemic causing virus. Together with these, there are about a dozen new viruses infecting people in different parts of the earth, all of them invented by man to kill people for population reduction for the New World Order. (Note. U.S. Army research documents reveal that nano silver 10 or 14 parts per million effectively kills the Ebola virus both in the human body, and outside of it. (A person will want to ensure he has this antidote stored up for use). Our only hope in all this chaos that is a sign that we are in the final days, is to be converted to God, to be born again (John 3:3-8), and to cast all our cares upon God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Amen. 
Published by Thusia SDA Church 2014. Tel: 1868 625 0446.


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