12. The following scripture shows Justification to be a subjective change. Num. 6:24-27.
i. The word “bless” is the blessing of Justification by Faith or the gift of the Spirit in the heart. (Num. 6:24, 27; Gal. 3:7-9, 14; Gal. 4:6).
ii. “The Lord make His face to shine upon thee” is conviction given by the Holy Spirit.
(Num. 6:25; 2 Cor. 4:6; Jn. 4:26; Jn. 15:26).
iii. The words that says the Lord “give thee peace”, means the carnal mind is replaced
by the spiritual mind through Justification by Faith. (Num. 6:26; Rom. 8:6; Rom. 5:1).
iv. Even the words “be gracious unto thee” (grant thee charism) means Justification by
Grace. (Num. 6:25; Rom. 3:24).
13. Justification is again shown to be a subjective change. Deut. 6:4-6.
i. We can only love the Lord with the heart by keeping the law of God, but the law
could only be kept when we are first justified. (Deut. 6:4, 5; 1 Jn. 4:20, 21; 1 Jn. 5:2,
3; Ex. 20:6; Rom. 3:28-31).
ii. The claim that the “words . . . shall be in thine heart” can only be when we are
justified by the knowledge of Christ. (Deut. 6:6; Isa. 53:11).
14. Justification is seen to be subjective in that to keep the commandments of God one has to
first be justified, because he that doeth Righteousness is righteous. (Deut. 8:5, 6; Rom. 3:28-
31; 1 Jn. 3:7).
15. Justification is seen to be subjective in that circumcision is a symbol of a change of heart as
Justification. (Deut. 10:16; Col. 2:11, 13; Rom. 4:11).
16. Justification is seen to be subjective in that to love God one must be born of God by the
word, which justifies. (Deut. 11:1, 22; 1 Jn. 4:7; Jam. 1:18; Isa. 53:11).
17. Justification is seen to be subjective because to keep the commandments of God, which is
to love God, one first has to be justified by faith. (Deut. 13:4; 1 Jn. 5:3; Rom. 3:28-31).
18. Justification is seen to be subjective in all these texts. Deut. 30:6, 8,14,19,20.
i. Circumcision of the mind to cause love to God is the old spirit or experience being
replaced with a new experience (that causes love to God), this happens in those who
are justified, of course of which physical circumcision is a symbol. (Deut. 30:6; Col.
2:11-13; Rom. 2:28, 29; Rom. 4:11).
ii. We can only do God’s commandments; when we are justified, thus we are changed.
(Deut. 30:8; Rom. 3:28-31; 1 Jn. 3:7).
iii. The word in our hearts, make us do the law because the word, in justifying us,
makes us subjectively righteous. (Deut. 30:14; Isa. 53:11; 1 Jn. 3:7).
iv. To choose the gift of life that one can love God will cause God to give eternal life
within through the Justification of life, which is being spiritually minded. (Deut.
30:19, 20; Rom. 6:23; Rom. 5:18; 1 Jn. 3:15; Rom. 8:6).
19. Justification is seen to be subjective in that, for the words of the law, even the words of life to be set unto (in) the heart, it must come by getting the spiritual mind through the
Justification of life. (Deut. 32:46,47; Jn. 6:63; Rom. 8:2,4,6; Rom. 5:1,18).
20. Justification is seen to be subjective in that to become a spiritual Jew is to be circumcised in the heart in the experience, getting a pure heart, and circumcision represents Justification by Faith. (Ester 8:17; Deut. 30:6; Ps. 73:1; Rom. 2:28, 29; Rom. 4:11).
21. Justification is seen to be subjective in that God ordains or sets peace for us by giving unto
us the spiritual mind through Justification by Faith. (Isa. 26:12; Rom. 8:6; Rom. 5:1).
22. Justification is seen to be subjective in that, to be justified by knowledge from Christ is to
awake to Righteousness or awake to God in the knowledge in the mind which God has
shined there, this means we are new in our thinking or have a new man renewed by this
knowledge that has caused us to be begotten. (Isa. 53:11; 1 Cor. 15:34; Rom. 1:28; 2 Cor.
4:6, 7; Col. 3:10; Jam. 1:18).
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